Our story

As researchers, investors or just interested observers, we are often left scratching our heads why financial markets behaved the way they did. It often boils down to the question of information – what did those traders know and respond to?

Out of this fundamental recognition, the Future of Financial Information theme was born.

It all started back in mid-2018 when Michał and his colleague at SBS, Björn Hagströmer, had to organize a conference. Clearly, there is no shortage of exciting topics – FinTech, alternative data, machine learning, to name a few – but whatever theme they tried to make of it turned out to be either too technical, too narrow or… already taken. In research, it is hard to come up with new ideas, even for a conference!

Our story

And then came Michał’s epiphany. What unifies all these disparate topics is information. After all, information is so central to financial markets that it has become somewhat cliché to say that „asset prices respond to information.” From this perspective, it actually seemed surprising that there was no academic conference dedicated to financial information in its different aspects. Turns out, the best ideas are sometimes hidden in plain sight…

The conference turned out to be an instant hit and is now a regular fixture of international finance research calendar. And since financial Information is a topic definitely worth discussing more often than once a year, we also host a bi-weekly webinar series with some of the most exciting researchers in the field.

FutFinInfo Program Chair

Michał Dzieliński

Stockholm University

Michał is an Assistant Professor at Stockholm Business School since 2013. In his research, he combines textual analysis with finance to better understand the impact of communication by companies, central banks and information intermediaries (analysts, media…) on asset prices.

He is a proud founder and Chair of the Future of Financial Information conference as well as the Host of the Future of Financial Information webinar series.

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There is a lot happening behind the scenes and it is fascinating stuff. If you enjoy reading the latest research on financial information, would like to expand your network and gain international exposure, we may have just the right job for you!

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We work pro bono but it is hard to get around the fact that organizing a conference generates costs. If supporting an informed debate around issues shaping the future of finance fits your organization's goals, please get in touch and we will be happy to discuss potential partnerships.

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