Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen Federal Reserve Board Date: 8/12/2021Title: Most Claimed Statistical Findings in Cross-Sectional Return Predictability Are Likely TrueDiscussion by: Dacheng Xiu, University of Chicago Watch the video (on YouTube)

Clara Vega

Clara Vega Federal Reserve Board Date: 6/4/2022, 4pm CETTitle: Words Speak as Loudly as Actions: Central Bank Communication and the Response of Equity Prices to Macroeconomic AnnouncementsDiscussion by: Isaiah Hull, Riksbank Watch the video (on YouTube)

Kai Li

Kai Li Peking University Date: 20/4/2022, 4pm CET Title: A Machine Learning Based Anatomy of Firm-level Climate Risk Exposure Discussion by: Stefano Ramelli, University of Zurich Watch the video (on YouTube)

Pablo Ottonello

Pablo Ottonello University of Michigan Date: 4/5/2022, 4pm CETTitle: Financial Intermediaries and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from a High-Frequency IdentificationDiscussion by: Marco Grotteria, London Business School Watch the video (on YouTube)