Manuela M. Veloso is the Head of AI Research at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Herbert A. Simon University Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (on leave). Her team at JPMorgan pursues fundamental research in areas of core relevance to financial services, including data mining and cryptography, machine learning, explainability, and human-AI interaction. She is the Past President of AAAI, the past Head of the Machine Learning Department at CMU, and the co-founder, Trustee, and Past President of RoboCup. She has been recognized with a multiple honors, including being a Fellow of the AAAI, AAAS, ACM, IEEE. She is the recipient of several best paper awards, the Einstein Chair of the Chinese Academy of Science, the ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award, an NSF Career Award, and the Allen Newell Medal for Excellence in Research.